Membership in the Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA) is open to individuals or organizations interested in water resources and management. Currently, KWRA boasts a membership of 4,200 individuals and 40 institutions. By joining KWRA, you gain access to professional developments, prompt answers to your inquiries, and the opportunity to forge new friendships and lifelong contacts.
You can register online at the KWRA website or email.
Address: #302, 237 Hyoryeong-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul 06671, Korea
Tel: +82-2-561-2732 / Fax: +82-2-561-2733
Bank Name: Woori Bank
Account Number: 1005-501-035230
Account Holder's Name: Korea Water Resources Association (KWRA)
Please ensure the transfer is made in the member’s name. If the payment is made under another person’s name, kindly inform the association beforehand.
· ubmission of application form: via email or fax
· Notification of acceptance or rejection of applicationt
· Payment of membership fees: through bank transfer
Join KWRA today and become part of a vibrant community dedicated to advancing water resources management.