1967, Nov. |
Established the Korean Association of Scientific Hydrology in Seoul |
1968, Aug. |
Publish the 1st issue of journal with the title of "Water" (annual) |
1968, May. |
Increased number of issues of "Water" into semi-annual |
1970, May. |
Changed the title of journal into "Water Science" |
1972, Dec. |
Changed its name into the Korean Association of Hydrological Sciences |
1974, Jan. |
Changed the title of journal into "Journal of Hydrological Sciences" |
1980, Mar. |
Changed the title of journal into "Journal of Korean Association of Hydrological Sciences" and increased number of issues into quarterly |
1981, Aug. |
Merged with the Water Engineering Research Society |
1990, Jun. |
Publish 1st issue of English journal "Korean Journal of Hydrosciences"(Annual) |
1995, Feb. |
Changed its name into the Korea Water Resources Association and the title of journal into "Journal of Korea Water Resources Association" |
1997, Feb. |
Separated the journal into "KWRA Magazine" and "Journal of KWRA" (bi-monthly) |
2000, Jan. |
Changed the title of English journal into "Water Engineering Research" and increased number of issues into quarterly |
2000, Sep. |
Hosted the 4th ICHE Conference (Sept. 26~29, 2000) |
2005, Sep. |
The 31st International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Congress(Sept.11~16,2005) |
2010, Sep. |
8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010(Sept.12~16,2010) |
2012, Aug. |
8th Congress of the IAHR-APD 2012 |
2017, Nov. |
50th KWRA Anniversary Ceremony and International Symposium |
2021, Jul. |
9th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH 2021) |
2021, Nov. |
17th IWRA World Water Congress |