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  • KWRA
  • History


1967, Nov.

Established the Korean Association of Scientific Hydrology in Seoul

1968, Aug.

Publish the 1st issue of journal with the title of "Water" (annual)

1968, May.

Increased number of issues of "Water" into semi-annual

1970, May.

Changed the title of journal into "Water Science"

1972, Dec.

Changed its name into the Korean Association of Hydrological Sciences

1974, Jan.

Changed the title of journal into "Journal of Hydrological Sciences"

1980, Mar.

Changed the title of journal into "Journal of Korean Association of Hydrological Sciences" and increased number of issues into quarterly

1981, Aug.

Merged with the Water Engineering Research Society

1990, Jun.

Publish 1st issue of English journal "Korean Journal of Hydrosciences"(Annual)

1995, Feb.

Changed its name into the Korea Water Resources Association and the title of journal into "Journal of Korea Water Resources Association"

1997, Feb.

Separated the journal into "KWRA Magazine" and "Journal of KWRA" (bi-monthly)

2000, Jan.

Changed the title of English journal into "Water Engineering Research" and increased number of issues into quarterly

2000, Sep.

Hosted the 4th ICHE Conference (Sept. 26~29, 2000)

2005, Sep.

The 31st International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research Congress(Sept.11~16,2005)

2010, Sep.

8th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics 2010(Sept.12~16,2010)

2012, Aug.

8th Congress of the IAHR-APD 2012

2017, Nov.

50th KWRA Anniversary Ceremony and International Symposium

2021, Jul.

9th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics (ISEH 2021)

2021, Nov.

17th IWRA World Water Congress