To contribute to academic development regarding water on Earth and public welfare.
ㆍGuide research and education in all related water sciences and technologies.
ㆍIssue publications and bulletins on water-related technologies.
ㆍPromote symposia, workshops, lectures, field trips, and inspection tours for special issues.
ㆍHost and participate in academic meetings and conferences to share research findings at home and abroad.
ㆍPerform technical research and analysis of "water" requested by the government, public organizations, and other related institutions.
ㆍGrant rewards and scholarships.
∙ Publication of domestic journals
∙ Organizing annual conferences, technical seminars, and workshops on water resources and hydrological technology
∙ Conducting annual research activities of committees
∙ Organizing water engineering workshops
∙ Undertaking research projects
∙ Conducting drought and flood investigations
∙ Engaging in scientific collaboration with other academic associations
∙ Collecting and disseminating data, information, and knowledge on water resources and hydrological technology
∙ Efforts to expand public relations for water resources
∙ Publication of newsletters
∙ Education and enlightenment on water resources
∙ Hosting international conferences
∙ Participation in international conferences
∙ Conducting IHP research activities
∙ Collaborating with international associations
∙ Publishing international journals
∙ Organizing overseas academic trips or tours